Steel and Mana

Chapter 106 – Toys

Chapter 106 – Toys

It was after dinner; I was walking in the palace's garden with Sasha, listening to her retelling everything she noticed about Mikan and her current state.

"She is determined. I think she wants to help someone, and my guess is that it's Yuri."

"I thought the same." I nodded, holding her hand and looking up toward the full moon. "She has been acting a bit weird lately; even when she lets her outlandish thoughts out, I still feel that it is to mask some of her other, more honest feelings. She may have trouble dealing with those."

"Do you think it is about how she looks? The injuries?"

"I would have guessed so before, but she asked me something similar once... So, I have a different idea."

"What did you answer her with?" She asked before I moved on, making me smile while remembering it.

"That I don't mind how she looks. I don't care about her injuries; I care about what's within her."

"Hehehe... No wonder you even managed to tame someone like her!"

"What could I say? I am good!" I joked around, which made her pinch and tickle me before hugging my waist and leaning against me after we stopped walking.

"If it is not about how she looks... is it about having a baby?" Sasha murmured, reading my mind.

"Most likely."

"But even I had trouble with it, and Luna is still prancing around just the same!"

"But both of you were virgins." I answered, looking into her eyes, "She has experience, and I think she knows her body better than we could. I trust her and Mikan. Let them handle it, and if Mikan wants to gain the powers of her ancestors, I am happy to assist. Having another witch in Avalon's service, I will not say no to that!"

"Um... and she could be really powerful! She, I mean... Mikki-2 did save you once! I watched your broken body be rebuilt."

"Mhm. I am already scouring the texts within my mind, trying to find something related to them, but nothing has come up so far. If I do find anything, I will give it to you and Merlin to study."

"That's good; I can do work, even if not physically!" She beamed at me happily while my hands slipped down to her stomach, which was finally beginning to grow.

"There is another thing. I got a letter today from Kustov." I continued, explaining its details, making her fall silent, thinking about it.

"Are we sure the spell worked, and it isn't a trap?"

"Personally? I trust it because Merlin was the one who used it. His innate power is the definition of being adaptable. Still, I will be careful and send Pion to meet with her and assess what we are dealing with. If it is legit, we will begin dealing with this new friend of ours and see where it goes."

"Just don't bring her home."

"Excuse me?" I asked with a chuckle, watching Sasha roll her eyes and gently elbow me.

"Don't drag an outsider into bed; that's what I mean!"

"Wait, why would I? I am not a womanizer, and my stamina is also limited! I need to run a budding empire here. No matter how much I want to just lay back and enjoy you three from dusk to dawn, I can't do it yet."

"Yet?" She whispered, leaning closer, her face becoming redder.

"There will be a time when it happens, fufufu~" I replied with a kiss and gently grabbed her butt, lifting her up a little.

"I am waiting for that day," She moaned after I let her go, but before I could answer, she resumed warning me. "But I was serious! I saw those drawings..."

"What drawings?"

"The ones on your table! I went in to tidy it up for you for tomorrow when I noticed the plans for... those!"

"Ah. The toys?" I chortled, finally getting it.


"Yeah. Yuri asked for it. It's perfect, you could test it!"

"Wha-?!" She faltered, failing to correctly say anything or refuse it.

"With my Mom's ban lingering over you, you could try it out. Give me feedback on the shapes and sizes and how they feel. I am not an expert when it comes to this; it is my first time designing fake penises."


"Don't want to?" I asked, feeling trouble brewing because she was looking at me weirdly.

"I ain't putting anything in me that is not yours! So no. I won't do it! Hmph!"

"Haaah... Okay... It was just an idea." I shrugged, throwing my hands in the air, giving up, "Then I will have to ask Luna."

"Good." Sasha agreed immediately, "She has been really cocky nowadays, so make her test them a lot. A LOT. Hmph, hmph!"

"You can be really scary sometimes, my dear Sasha..."


"Finally... a little freedom!" Luna moaned happily, lying in bed, waking up not by Yuri or Sasha's nudges but by her natural instincts, stretching on the white sheets, yawning. Sitting up and looking out the window, she was sure it was still morning, but by the intensity of the sunlight, it had to be close to noon.

In the past few days, Sasha has been dragging her everywhere within the city, and there was no way to say no to her. It wasn't that she didn't like it, but every day they returned home, she was tired, and after a bath, she fell asleep immediately.

"Let's see~!" With a happy giggle, she climbed out of bed, prancing nakedly in the room, heading towards the bookshelf and humming as she browsed what to read. "I will need something exciting for today! One of Leon's books should do it... hm, hm..."

As she was humming an upbeat tune, twisting her waist left and right, the door opened, and it was Yuri who had arrived.

"Girl, your white buttocks are like frosted doughnuts! I would want to bite into them!"

"Teehee~" She replied, sticking her tongue out, wiggling them a little more, "Came to wake me up? By molesting me?"

"Nope. But I did come to wake you; our hubby asked for you!"

"Okie-dokie! Let me wash myself, and I'm coming! Did he say why?"

"Nope, but it will be fun~!"

"Hmm..." Luna could swear Yuri knew something; her grin and the glint in her eyes were telling enough, but if she wanted to keep it a surprise, so be it.

"You have become really obedient." Yuri continued, leaning against the bathroom doorframe, watching Luna shower.

"Says you?"

"True. But I am talking about you! You no longer miss the Capital?"

"Not anymore! It is much more fun here, and I can be as lazy as I have ever wanted! I am satisfied. Being a maid is not bad, but being Leon's wife is the best. Besides overseeing our maids, I can do whatever I want! Not to mention, he is kind and knows what I like, so... I am happy~"

"Huh... You and I are pretty similar, aren't we?" Yuri whispered, but Luna didn't seem to hear her under the shower.

"Sometimes, I brush up on my skills, but just so Sacchy and Leon look proper and prim like a ruler should if someone important comes. Besides that, I serve Leon when he gets hungry or something; I like doing it."

"Well, you will serve him right... and soon, fufufu~"

"Hm? Did you say something?" Luna asked loudly, stopping the water and going for her towel.

"Yep~ That this will be enough. Come!"


"I said, come, you are clean now."

"But, but... I'm naked!" She answered with a panic but still followed her with only a white towel around her body.

"As I said, that is perfectly fine!" Yuri added with a perverted grin, leaning in and smelling her neck, licking it, "Our little bunny... Is heading to the foxes' den."


"Ah, Luna!" I exclaimed happily when she was escorted in by Yuri, who, after closing the door, just stood there, smiling.

"What are those?" She asked, her mismatched eyes locking on the four sex toys on my desk.

"Gifts! Well, not just for you, but for all of you. I will have you and Yuri test it before I finalize everything. These two," I pointed at the longer ones that were basically the same as any regular one from my old world. "One is made of wood while the other is from metal. I made Dorian cover them with the finest leather, so it should be all right. It's thin and smooth and has to feel fine! I think. But I will need feedback on which one is better."

"Hauh!" She moaned, holding onto her towel, turning pink from head to toe, yet her thighs were constantly being rubbed against each other. "Are those straps...?"

"Yep, it's so you can wear it." Yuri answered before I could, standing behind Luna, holding her shoulders, "It will be fun, you will see!"

"What about the... the... smaller, egg-like ones... wait, is that? Tails?" Luna mumbled, noticing the difference between them.

"These are for you butt!" I answered calmly, "Don't be shy; think of the fact that I had to carve them out and ask for Kraus's help to forge the other. Then, I went to Dorian and asked him to help me finish them. Anyway, it is going to be marketed later on, so I need you to test it out."

"Leeeoooooon!" She began moaning, feeling embarrassed, but Yuri wasn't having it, pulling her towel away and pushing her hand between her legs.

"What are you whining about?" Yuri laughed like an evil villain, "You are soaking already! Ahahaha! Yummy~" For a moment, I needed to force myself to continue as I watched her begin slowly 'molesting' Luna while she let her moans escape without holding back her voice.

"Khm. So, you can all choose one! I made Dorian attach a cat and a bunny-like tail at the end of them. I also have the matching headbands!"

"Leocchy," Yuri giggled like a kid, "I will take the pussy route; I mean, the cat ones; let's give her the bunny costume!"


"Hya?!" Luna cried out as she was pushed to her stomach over my table, and Yuri was already crouching down, pulling her butt apart and beginning to lick it vigorously. "Nyauuh! More..." She murmured, flipping her own switch at once, looking up at me with cloudy eyes.

Who am I to say no to my wife? Not that watching the two fool around would be enough, anyway. So, a moment later, my already impatient weapon was sliding down her throat while I held onto her head, moving as if I was thrusting into her wet slit and not into her mouth. Thankfully, I was prepared for it and moved everything from my desk ahead of time, or her loud, greedy slurpings and flooding saliva would have soaked everything. Not to mention the lewd noises coming from behind her... It was right at the point when I let myself fill her mouth with her protein-rich breakfast when Yuri decided to grab the bunny-tailed buttplug and slip it into place.

"Nyuuuu~!" Luna let out a loud, satisfied moan after drinking everything, gasping for air. I could swear her pupils were shaped like tiny hearts while her pink tongue was sticking out, trying to continue licking my rod, wanting more.

"I think it fits perfectly!" Yuri laughed, clapping and slapping Luna's bottom, who was shaking it, clearly unsatisfied. "Now, my turn!"

I watched, hardening once again as Yuri put on one so quickly that I immediately knew this was not her first time doing it. With a wild thrust, she didn't wait for confirmation and simply slipped into Luna, who continued moaning in an even noisier way as Yuri was giving it to her, bunny style. Well, I say that because the speed of her hips did match it.

There was no chance I would stay out of something like this, so I walked behind Yuri, who stopped for long enough for me to grab her waist and join in on the fun. While I slipped into her, I also grabbed the other, longer toy slipping it into her empty backdoor.

"Mmmh..." She moaned, pushing her waist back on me while keeping Luna pushed down with two hands. "You do know how to treat a girl..."

"As I said," I answered, breathing down her neck, "We need to test all of them..."

I wasn't lying... So we spent the following few hours ensuring everything was up to standard and ready to be released onto the market...


"How cute!" Sasha mumbled, surprised to see Luna at the dinner table, wearing bunny ears and having a bunny tail sticking out from her maid dress.

"What about me, nya?" Yuri asked, trying to look cute... and it worked.

"You too!" My wife answered, leaning over and rubbing her head and the base of her fake, black cat ears. I swear... I heard Yuri beginning to purr. Damn. "Leon, I want one too!"

"What?" I gawked, almost choking on my soup, "You refused to test it!"

"I know, but now I want one! I want a fox-like variant!"


"Son..." My Mom interrupted us, sighing, and I was ready for a scolding, but what followed made me get into a coughing fit. "I want a set. From each version."

What the hell did I 'invent,' my dear Gods...?

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