After Transmigrating as a Tycoon’s Wife, My Thoughts Are Heard by the Whole Family

Chapter 340

The Qin Second family listened to the truth and couldn't help but show disdain on their faces.

Qin Xian, however, recalled the results of the recent investigation he had ordered. Yu Xin was indeed a child from the orphanage that his third aunt had sponsored, and Qin Han had gotten to know her because of this.

But his third aunt treated Yu Xin with particular care, far beyond the ordinary sponsorship of an orphan. She treated her like an adopted daughter, providing constant care and a steady flow of money. This was something even his third uncle was unaware of, as he was too focused on his career to bother with family matters.

If it weren't for the timeline, Qin Xian might have suspected that Yu Xin was another illegitimate child.

Nevertheless, Qin Xian had his people dig deeper into Yu Xin's biological parents. If there was no connection to them, there was no reason for his third aunt to go to such extreme lengths.

In addition to this, Qin Xian had also uncovered some juicy details that even Ji Fei hadn't managed to dig up, purely by chance.

For instance, the reason Qin Han was so protective of Yu Xin was that she was already his. Their hotel check-in records had been compiled and handed over to Qin Xian.

Qin Xian had no interest in exposing their relationship, as both were technically single. But if Yu Xin were to enter the Qin family as an adopted daughter, these records would serve as the most compelling evidence against it.

Meanwhile, Qin Third Uncle asked Qin Jiaxi how she had been during her stay here, hinting at whether she wanted to return home. His wife and son had suggested he bring Qin Jiaxi back, but now he didn't want to push her, preferring to hear her thoughts.

In the past, Qin Jiaxi would have gone along with her family's arrangements. But this time, she raised her head and said, "No... there's no need. I want to spend more time with my cousins. They rarely visit, and with the holidays almost over, I won't have much time to be with them before I return to school."

Her words implied that the little time she had left would be spent with her relatives, not her family.

Qin Third Uncle finally realized the extent of their family's issues. He decided to have a proper talk with his daughter when he had the chance.

After dealing with her father, Qin Jiaxi wanted to quickly return to the lively atmosphere.

Just then, her phone vibrated. Qin Jiaxi carefully took it out, afraid it might be a scolding message from her mother or brother.

But upon glancing at it, she couldn't help but smile.

It was from her boyfriend, Su Ze.

They had been out of touch for days due to his trip abroad.

Finally, he had reached out.

But when she opened the message, her smile faded.

"What are you doing? Why are you bullying Yu Xin? You're the Qin family's eldest daughter, and she's just a poor orphan. Can't you stand to see her happy? I don't like this side of you; it's not kind. You've disappointed me. I hope this is the last time. Don't stop your father from adopting Yu Xin. Go home with him today, correct your mistakes, and work together to have the Qin family adopt her."

Qin Jiaxi froze. During her relationship with Su Ze, there had been times when he used such a stern tone to criticize her. It always made her feel terrible, and she would desperately reflect on herself. After all, her mother and brother adored Yu Xin, and only Su Ze had chosen her.

She felt like Su Ze was all she had.

But just as she was about to call him to apologize, she heard laughter coming from the hall.

"I'm the Qin family's daughter. What could Weiwei and I possibly have done wrong? It's definitely their fault! You'll see soon enough. The PR team at Qin Corporation's branch isn't just for show. Get ready for a show." Qin Wenqiang said arrogantly.

Qin Jiaxi paused, recalling everything she had witnessed over the past few days.

Suddenly, the message felt like a sharp sting. She didn't understand anymore.

"I don't know where you heard this, but I never stopped anything. It's the Qin family's decision. And aren't you my boyfriend? Why didn't you ask me before accusing me? Why are you siding so much with Yu Xin? Are you two close?"

Her ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌‌​​​‍heart raced as she sent the message. After a while, she received a reply.

"What are you overthinking? I'm just speaking fairly because Yu Xin is like family to you and your brother. Didn't she save your mother's life? You should be grateful. I'm trying to guide you in the right direction. Look at you now, even doubting my words?"

Qin Jiaxi suddenly felt incredibly wronged. It was because of this so-called "life-saving favor" that she couldn't bring herself to oppose Yu Xin joining the Qin family. Any resistance would make her seem ungrateful.

But remembering how everyone always stood behind her cousin no matter what, Qin Jiaxi suddenly felt lonely, even with a boyfriend whom the entire school envied.

From the hall, voices rose again.

"We can't guess, but Second Brother definitely can!"

"Exactly. If Cousin keeps being cryptic, we'll just ask Second Brother directly."

Qin Jiaxi glanced at the messages again, sensing an indescribable arrogance in them.

Feeling lost, she couldn't help but reply, "My cousin is Qin Xian, the head of the Qin family and the one in charge of Qin Corporation. If he disagrees with something, even my father won't oppose it. Am I wrong for following his lead?"

After sending the message, Qin Jiaxi came to her senses and quickly put her phone away, afraid to imagine Su Ze's response. This was the first time she had ever talked back to him, and it felt extremely uncomfortable. But she believed she hadn't said anything wrong.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

On the other end, Su Ze didn't reply. The moment he saw the message, he threw his phone in anger.

Wasn't that a direct insult? Qin Xian's reputation was well-known even in Y City. Qin Jiaxi's words implied that Qin Xian's decisions were unquestionable, so who was Su Ze to correct anyone?

The young master of the Su family spent the night fuming.

Meanwhile, in the hall, everyone was already enjoying the latest gossip about their cousin's divorce.

By 8 PM, the most active time on Y City's entertainment networks, a sensational headline about a wealthy family scandal broke.

"Qin Family Eldest Daughter Tears into Mistress at Funeral, Cuts Ties with Grandparents Alongside Daughter."

The article detailed the backstory, the scheming of the scumbag, photos of the mistress's family at the scene, and, most importantly, a notarized video of the grandparents announcing their disownment of Qin Weiwei.

The internet exploded.

Soon, the public opinion was set, and calls from Yang Feng's parents were immediately rejected.

They suddenly realized that even if they wanted to sever ties, blood relations couldn't be erased. They had hoped to use emotional blackmail or public pressure to force Qin Weiwei to comply in the future.

But now, with the entire internet condemning them, they could no longer imagine things going their way.

Back at the Qin family, everyone was laughing after reading the gossip.

["This is a preemptive strike to block all their escape routes. They won't be able to use moral blackmail anymore."]

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