Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 256: Muyang's First Victim

Chapter 256: Muyang's First Victim

There was a trace of blood on the Zanpakut in his hand, and there was indeed a new piece of information in his mind, but he couldnt remember the appearance of the enemy. This strange feeling made Kimura Muyang burst into his heart. Chill, what happened just now?

Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha

A strange laughter came from the front. Looking at the guy opposite him, Muyang suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt a familiar feeling from the strange guy opposite him. However, he had indeed never seen that guy. In his impression, there was no such person.

Who are you?

As soon as the words left his mouth, the strange feeling in Muyangs heart became even more intense. The doubts in his heart became more and more, and this scene always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Shashashashasha~~~~ Although I dont know how many times Ill have to say it again, let me tell you in our first meeting, Im [V], The Vanishing Guenael Lee.

Although he had a ridiculous face, at this moment, the expression of the Quincy was undoubtedly serious.

You cannot see me, feel me, or even keep me in memory of my existence.


Just as Muyang was talking, the enemy in front of him suddenly disappeared without any warning. It was even impossible to know what method he relied on to disappear. In front of Muyang, his body suddenly disappeared.

This is definitely not something that can be done by the Quincys [Hirenkyaku].

His eyes still stayed in the direction of the previous enemy. Muyangs eyes flashed a trace of seriousness. At the beginning, he could still feel the existence of the enemy over there, so he thought it was something like a cover-up, but then he could no longer feel the existence of the enemy.

That guy

His mind suddenly became blank. He still had some impression of what had happened before, but Muyang could no longer recall the appearance of the enemy.

Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha

In front of Muyang, the strange old man stood there and let out a strange laugh. His body seemed to be in a different world from theirs. Although he stood in front of Muyang, Muyang and Harribel did not notice it at all, as if there was no one in front of them.

Thats right. You guys cant feel my existence at all. My ability has three forms. Form 1 is the disappearance of figure. Form 2 is the disappearance of existence. Under Form 2, the enemy can not attack my body at all. At most, they can only feel the illusion left behind by the vision.

And when I use Form 3, my existence will directly disappear from the enemys consciousness. In other words, You will forget my existence.

After his body twisted, the old man with a strange face appeared in front of Muyang again, with a strange smile on his face.

Then, lets do it again. The first time we meet, I am [V], The Vanishin Guenael Lee.

This guy

Looking at this guy in front of him, Muyang frowned. For some reason, when he saw this guy in front of him, he felt a sense of familiarity, but there was no memory of him in his mind, as if he had forgotten something important.

Without waiting for Muyang to slowly recall, the strange old man in front of him suddenly took out a dagger. He leaped and pounced towards Muyang. The blade in his hand flashed with a cold light.

The weapons of Quincy are really strange. Shouldnt you use the bow and arrow?

Looking at the enemy in front of him pouncing towards him, Muyang teased. A hint of ridicule flashed across his face. Looking at the other partys movements, he knew that he absolutely could not hurt himself. This was Muyangs intuition after experiencing countless battles.

The Zanpakuto in his hand drew a strange angle and slashed down diagonally at Guenael. Muyang seemed to have already seen the scene of the other partys blood spraying out. Although there was indeed a strange feeling in his heart, this level of attack was simply like sending him to his death.


A sound that broke through the air entered Muyangs ears. His expression immediately changed greatly. The attack that he thought was full of confidence actually missed. When Zanpakuto chopped down, it seemed as if there was nothing in front of him. However, in front of Muyang, the old man with a strange expression was indeed holding a dagger and stabbing towards his neck.

He tilted his head, and the dagger flashed with a cold light as it cut across Muyangs neck. The cold blade caused goosebumps to appear on Muyangs neck.

He suddenly raised his right leg, and a layer of green light flashed on his leg.


Another sound of air breaking rang out. His right leg, which had been accumulating strength, still missed. Muyangs expression changed slightly, and with a flash of his feet, he directly appeared in the distance. His eyes looked cautiously at the enemy opposite him.

When the enemys blade cut across his neck just now, that cold feeling could not be wrong, but why did his two consecutive attacks fail? He could only attack by himself and not be attacked. This kind of thing absolutely did not exist.

His body should be able to change between the real and the fake, but the speed of conversion is too fast, at least faster than the speed of my previous attack.

In that case



A blood-colored crack extended from his forehead, and blood continued to spray out from the crack. Guenael rolled his eyes up and looked at the blood that had been left on his forehead. His face was full of disbelief. With his ability, as long as there was a little time, he could make his body disappear. In this way, no matter what kind of attack the enemy used, no matter what kind of attack they used, they could not attack him, but now

How is this possible? Its so far away, and you didnt move at all

The eyes that were already very big became bigger, and Guenael looked at the body of Muyang who was gradually disappearing in front of him, and his face was full of shock.

Is this a remnant of vision an illusion?

Only found out now? Its too late.

Muyang, who had appeared behind Guenael at some point in time, said and pulled his Zanpakuto out of Guenaels body.

Damn it!

Guenael looked at Muyangs Zanpakuto, which had penetrated his heart, in a trance. Bright red blood spurted out from his chest, and his tone was full of unwillingness. He clearly had many hidden methods that he had not used, but because of a moment of carelessness, it ended just like this.

With deep resentment, Guenael fell into the darkness.

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