Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Freya watches as her prey returns with two beautiful women. Any man would agree that they would be lucky to lie with one of them, let alone two. Still, if they are compared to her, they look like trash that no one would touch with a ten-foot pole. They did, however, manage to get that pesky thorn out of her side, and so they should be commended for that.

She says that the thorn just went to sleep, thinking that her beloved friend is safe from her. Freya rolls her eyes at such a naive way of thinking. Gilgamesh returning with two women means nothing to her. She will simply go back, kick them out of the room and lie down with him.

She can't help it if he falls totally in love with her afterwards and completely forgets about her friend? It doesn't matter to her. He is a simple toy to pass the time. All men are.

She gets up from the table and goes back to her rooms, with several of her fellow gods looking at her. She doesn't care what they think. She is more powerful than almost all of them, and she has fucked most of them too. Many in the distant past. None of them were memorable.

She opens the door to the room where she feels the three of them, with the two already completely naked girls kissing as he caresses them. She can't blame them. After all, she wants him too.

They all stop as they see her enter with a smile on her face. "You two get out" she says with authority. The two girls think about their options for a second before they retreat from Gilgamesh, grabbing their clothes and running out of the room. Freya closes the door and adds a powerful barrier to it to ensure that they are not interrupted and that he cannot leave before it fills.

Freya gets a glint in her eye as she stares at Gilgamesh, her eyes traversing his perfectly muscular body. She licks her lips as she lights up her powers a little and her clothes disappear in a snap of her fingers.

Gilgamesh smiles wickedly at the goddess, though no blood comes out of his nose, as his eyes roam her body. Freya goes to him swinging her hips and lies down directly on top of him.

"I hope you are ready Gilgamesh-kun" she says seductively as she traces a finger over his chest. Gilgamesh responds by planting his lips on her as they begin hours of debauchery together.

The next day.

Valerie wakes slowly, the warm embrace of the sheets of dead animal skin trying to drag her back to the blessed land of dreams.

A few months ago she was a prisoner of her own family and only a tool for them, but now she had true friends who saved her and gave her a home.

Valerie admits that she was angry with Freya for trying to seduce Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes was the person who saved her, the one who gave her hope of having a family and one day reuniting with her brother, she didn't want to see him broken.

And although she doesn't know much of the world due to always being stuck at home the time spent Gilgamesh, Sebas and Enkidu made her know that the Gods were beings who would do anything for whatever caught their eye.

She honestly doesn't mind all the partying and socializing. She likes to see new places, but Freya is ruining this trip for her. She doesn't want to worry about her best friend leaving her. She doesn't want to feel the pain of loneliness again.

She opens the door back to the party, seeing everything going full steam ahead. In fact, it has gotten even noisier. She sees Odin groping a Valkyrie, something that doesn't surprise her. What's more, his wife Frigg is sitting next to him and doesn't seem the least bit perturbed.

She looks for Gilgamesh, but does not see him. She frowns, for it has definitely been a while. Maybe he is sleeping too? That would make sense. If she fought that battle, she would have wanted to sleep for a week.

She spots Enkidu, Sebas, Sif, Sjfn and Hoenir, the gods looking at her with some sympathy and pity. Confused, she walks over to them, watching Hoenir drink his entire cup of mead and sigh afterwards. She begins to worry, for something must be wrong.

"I am sorry, child. None of us wish to get on her bad side" Hnir says with sadness enveloping his voice. She frowns in confusion for a moment, before her eyes widen in panic and she looks around searching for Freya. Her pupils scan frantically everywhere, but the goddess of beauty is nowhere to be seen.

"M-but Gil went with two warriors! I saw them!" She says desperately, denying the truth in front of her.

Sjfn, bends down and hugs the child, "Honey, Freya doesn't care about that. After you went to bed, she just went back there and kicked them out. They have been together for 16 hours" Sjfn says softly.

Tears well up in Valerie's eyes.

"Gil ... Gil will be fine" Valerie says with determination. She has to believe that he will be. She needs him to remain her friend. She doesn't want to be alone again.

Looking at Sebas and Enkidu the Dhampir can't help but be perplexed as they were both totally calm as if nothing had happened.

"Maybe child. Who knows?" Sjfn says comfortingly as he runs his fingers through Valerie's hair, but she doesn't seem to really believe his words.

They bring her to a table and try to cheer her up, to no avail. She is grateful, but doesn't want to hear anything they have to say. All she wants is to go home with her friends.

Valerie looks at all the warriors at the party and her eyebrows raise and her mouth opens slightly in shock when she sees several people having sex in the middle of the tables, under the applause of the others.

"Our warriors have always been very open with their desires and way of thinking. It's very different from the way the world is now" Sif says beside her.

"I really don't know much about the world" Valerie says as she turns to Sif, who looks at the screen with a bit of a blush.

"Well, with the spread of the Christian faction, many of the sexual freedoms found in other societies have been extinguished. Their God and angels believe that sex should only happen in loving, married couples and the Church ruthlessly crushed any other form of thinking" Sjfn informs her.

"Not to mention how they ruthlessly cut down our followers, burned our shrines and forced their way of life on them" Sif says with some anger.

"None of the factions that oppose the Biblical God are extremely strong, stronger than almost any of the other Gods, and their angels are no joke either. We didn't make alliances with the Fallen and Devil Factions any more than they did to oppose what the church was doing" Hnir adds.

"Yes, my husband really wanted to go to war with them, but Odin forbade it. It was a tense period" says Sif.

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