The Marquis Mansion’s Elite Class

Chapter 118

Pan Hongzhi’s mouth twitched, and he really wanted to throw in the towel.

But after thinking about the hundred taels of silver he’d earn in a month, he closed his eyes, then opened them again, gritting his teeth as he forced a smile. “Of course…”

“Pfft.” Zhao Yin glanced at Pan Hongzhi’s expression and couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

It was tragic, truly tragic.

He still remembered how Pan Hongzhi had first arrived at the Marquis Manor, proudly declaring that he was doing just fine at the Hanlin North Academy. Now, he was being forced to play the humble servant alongside them.

Life wasn’t easy, and big money certainly didn’t come without a price.

Pan Hongzhi kicked Zhao Yin under the table, signaling his mischievous friend to tone it down. If Young Master Cheng caught them laughing, they’d both be in trouble.

Zhao Yin quickly stifled his laughter and explained, “Sorry, I just remembered something happy at home and couldn’t help but laugh.”

“What’s the happy news at your place?” the little troublemaker asked curiously.

Zhao Yin stammered, “Uh, well, the three ducks at home each laid a double-yolk egg this morning.”

The little troublemaker: “…”

What kind of happy news was that? How bizarre.

Pan Hongzhi’s mouth twitched again. What a terrible excuse.

The next day, the two brothers set off early in a carriage to Qingbo Academy to check their exam results. Having done this so many times, they were surprisingly relaxed, one even more so than the other.

Young Master Jin Cheng lounged by the carriage window, complaining like a lord, “You couldn’t arrange two carriages, fine, but couldn’t you at least get a bigger one? I can barely stretch out.”

Xu Wan shot him a look. “The carriage is for sitting, not lounging. Look at your posture, then look at your brother’s. He’s taller than you now.”

After five months of growth, both boys had shot up, but Zong Wenxiu had grown even faster. Having been undernourished in the slums, he had been shorter than his peers, but since returning to the Marquis Manor, he had caught up quickly.

Zong Jincheng glanced at his brother, sitting upright and bored. “Sitting so straight must hurt your back.”

Xu Wan corrected him, “Sitting slouched is what hurts your back.”

“Nonsense, I feel perfectly comfortable,” the little troublemaker argued.

Xu Wan snorted, “Try lying like that in the carriage all day, and if your back doesn’t hurt, I’ll take your surname.”

Zong Jincheng’s eyes lit up, and he grinned mischievously. “But you already share my surname, don’t you? Lady Zong, Zong Xu, hahahaha…”

Xu ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌‍Wan: “…”

She hated the archaic practice of taking her husband’s surname.

Xu Wan couldn’t kick him, so she corrected, “It’s your father’s surname, not yours, you little rascal.”n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Zong Jincheng was still laughing, even more hysterically now. Finally, he’d scored a point against Xu Wan, and it felt great.

When they arrived, the two brothers got out of the carriage. Zong Jincheng couldn’t resist turning back to tease, “We’re off to check our results. Wait for our good news, Zong Xu!”

Xu Wan: “!”

Wait for what, you little brat!

The little troublemaker skipped away, clearly in high spirits, all at Xu Wan’s expense.

Xu Wan pinched the bridge of her nose, pacing back and forth.

She was starting to understand why Cui Zhi had asked her that question. Once you teach your disciple, they dare to challenge the master. If this little rascal kept growing like this, she’d soon be outmatched. What then?

Xu Wan paced, mentally revising her parenting strategy, adjusting her plans based on the little troublemaker’s antics…

Zong Jincheng had learned his lesson.

After forgetting to check his brother’s results last time, he had been reflecting on his behavior. So, this time, he surprised Zong Wenxiu by saying, “Brother, let’s check your results first.”

“Huh? Okay.” Zong Wenxiu thought his brother must be worried that if he did poorly this time, he wouldn’t stand a chance against Luo Chen in the upcoming Child Prodigy Class test.

The two ran to the twelve-year-old results board, one starting from the top and the other from the bottom.

They worked their way toward the middle until they stopped at the fiftieth rank.

“Fifty-three! You’re fifty-third!” the little troublemaker exclaimed excitedly, turning to see his brother had found the same spot.

“Brother, brother, you’re fifty-third! Even after skipping two grades, you ranked so high! You’re amazing!” The little troublemaker babbled on, “Teacher Cheng said you’d be lucky to make the top hundred, but you blew past his expectations! Wow, brother, you’re incredible!!”

His brother’s excitement was contagious, and Zong Wenxiu, who usually kept his emotions in check, found himself smiling broadly. “Yeah, I did well. I didn’t let the teachers down.”

But Zong Wenxiu had set a higher standard for himself. In eight days, he needed to crush Luo Chen decisively, to avenge his brother.

So, for the next eight days, he would have to study even harder.

The little troublemaker didn’t notice his brother’s inner thoughts, just happily dragged him along. “Come on, let’s check my results. I’m sure I aced it too. I’m a genius, you know!”

Zong Wenxiu smiled, “Yeah, I know. You’re a prodigy.”

Zong Jincheng, buoyed by the praise, boasted, “Just wait, I’m going to take first place today and leave Luo Chen in the dust!”

“Ahem… that might be a stretch,” Zong Wenxiu warned gently.

“What? How could that idiot be so good?”

Zong Wenxiu explained, “Well… he scored even higher than Qin Shi. Don’t underestimate him.”

The little troublemaker pouted, “Fine, I’ll let him have this month. Next month, I’ll crush him flat!”

“Zong Jincheng, you’re twentieth,” Lin Yu said, having come early to check the results. He had always been concerned about Zong Jincheng and hadn’t even checked his own rank yet.

Zong Jincheng’s eyes lit up. Twentieth? Not bad, considering he’d skipped two grades. Only a true prodigy could pull that off.

He grinned, “Oh, just twentieth? I barely even tried… mmm!”

Before he could finish, his brother quickly covered his mouth.

Zong Jincheng: “Mmm??”

Zong Wenxiu whispered through gritted teeth, “Jin Cheng, stop provoking people. I’m really worried you’ll get beaten up.”

Zong Jincheng: “Mmm!”

As if anyone would dare touch him!

He had Buyan, the sparring partner of the martial arts champion, to protect him!

Buyan, meeting the little troublemaker’s gaze, really wanted to play dead.

Someone, please save him!

He didn’t want to be the enforcer for this troublemaking, people-offending brat anymore!

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